Friday, September 21, 2007

Am I getting lazy or what?

How nice there is a water source for me in one of my favorite places to rest.

Now, that was refreshing! When momma comes in to use my sink and sees me in it she just laughs and walks away and says she'll come back later. I've done a pretty good job in training her, wouldn't you agree?

See how much I've grown since this picture was taken not long after mom brought me home.


  1. What a lucky girl! Mom wont let Bailey and Bonnie drink from the faucet because she says it will make it leak. That and theres probably rust and stuff there.

  2. Hahahahah! That's one way to have cool water ,on tap. you are a very smart kitty,You fit in the sink very well too ;)

  3. There's nothing like a tongue of fresh sink water to start the day:
    "Gurgle, snort, slurp....."

  4. Oh weren't you a sweet little thing. It think it's lovely that your hauman avoids the sink when you are in it. Very considerate.

  5. We likes to lay in mom's sink too. It is cool in the summer and warm in the winter. You sure have grown into your sink and there is nothing like dripping sink water. Yummy.

  6. Wow, you really are getting bigger! I like to drink from the bathroom faucet, but I never layed in there before.

  7. You fit in that sink perfectly. It's a good place to get fresh water. You have grown quite a bit and you are training your human well.

  8. I think that would be considered lazy. You are good at it.

  9. Oh yes Laila, I can see you've grown and are filling up the sink quite well now.

    Your friend


Meow at us!