Here he is trying to give this little one pats on his little butt.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Watch Out Pipe Cleaner!
Laila is very focused on that blue curly pipe cleaner. Looks like a game of bat the pipe cleaner all over the house is being planned.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Easy Sunday
Very good day to stay inside on our cute little blankies we got for Christmas from our Secret Paw. Supposedly an ice storm is on the way.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Box Hog
Laila is quite the box hog around here. Just because she got adopted first, she thinks she is the boss around here. What is a mancat to do!
Friday, January 25, 2013
Friday Flashback
Today's flashback is from October 2011 and was titled:
Mom is taking over the blog today to tell about the little kitten she rescued yesterday afternoon.
Her paws and belly were pretty dirty from crawling around the engine of that SUV. She ate that entire can of stinky goodness Laila and Minchie donated.
Peggy Sue giving me a big smile for the camera after her bath.

This is her bed in the isolation room they have her in.
This is the little 8 week old kitten I rescued with the help of our maintenance man and a neighbor. She was loose in the underground parking garage of my condo building and ended up inside the engine of a huge SUV. I was getting her all set up in a huge box in the bedroom until I could get ahold of Laila and Minchie's former foster mom, Sue, who runs the cat section of The Buddy Foundation. She said they'd take her! I got to help give her a bath and got to towel dry her. I named her Peggy Sue. Peggy for me and Sue for Laila and Minchie's foster mom who did the intake on her. She has to stay in an isolation room until she's checked out by the vet next week. Then I can go back and visit her when she's put in with the general population of kittens and will get more pictures then. Oh, and she only weighs one pound!
I was so lucky they took her but because I'm a supporter they didn't hesitate. Whew! She was not afraid of me and I was quickly bonding with her. When I was towel crying her she was purring up a storm and at one point was licking my neck. I miss her so much but they will have no trouble finding her a great forever home. Sandy, the neighbor who helped me, even offered to pay half of her expenses if I kept her. She has four big birds so living with her was out of the question. It's just too crowded here for three kitties.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Nomming the Cat Tree
Here you can see how much use Minchie gets sharpening his razor sharp claws on the cat tree. Well, another thing he does on the cat tree is he likes to EAT it sometimes! When Mom catches him doing it she yells at him but he just keeps nomming away. What a little brat he can be at times!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Tongue, Toesies, Tail, Tummy...Oh My!
Laila's favorite spot for combing is in her Costco box.
You just can't imagine how soft her furs are. And speaking of furs, when Mom was vacuuming yesterday, she vacuumed up all the furs stuck along of the side of the box.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Mancat Monday
Minchie just loves his little birdie catnip toy he got for Christmas from our Secret Paw, Critters in the Cottage.
He just loves to take in deep breaths of the 100% Canadian grown catnip inside. It is some powerful stuff!
He just loves when the catnip smells get on his furs. Whenever and wherever he is, he can get a "fix" by smelling himself.
Okay, I think it's time for a 'nip induced nap now. Later!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Easy Like Sunday
Mom likes to sort the laundry on the bed but this one day we were sleeping on the bed and she didn't want to disturb us. So, she brought the laundry into the living room and plopped it all on the couch to sort. Well, didn't we follow and curl up on the couch then.
Have an Easy Sunday everyone!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Do You Think I'm Sexy?
We think Laila needs some practise on striking a sexy pose. Guess when you are on such a comfy couch, you just go with the flow.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Thankful Thursday
We would like to thank Purina and Fancy Feast...
...and Sparkle
...for these most awesome totes we won in contests on their blogs. They are very sturdy and Mom just loves them. They would also be purrfect for going downstairs to get Angel and bring him up in one so we can have a play date.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Toesies and Tail
Laila's short little legs are doing a good job of protecting her tail so Mom doesn't accidentally step on it.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Mancat Monday
Looks like Minchie fell asleep watching TV. Mom, you grab the remote and I'll (Laila) chase Minchie off the recliner so we can snuggle and watch us some girlie shows.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Easy Like Sunday Morning
Thanks, Mom, for waking us up with that evil flashy box! Now that you got your picture, please leave us alone.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Friday, January 11, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Thankful Thursday
As soon as Mom opened up the box that had our nip cigars in it, Minchie got right in checking out all the cool toys.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Womancat Wednesday
Have any of you girl cats ever seen a pink nip cigar? In the box of presents we got for Christmas from all the kitties from Jacqueline's Cat House, in addition to the two brown nip cigars, was this cute little cigar just for me. A few times I have caught Minchie trying to sneak in a puff or two so you can imagine the whapping he gets for doing that!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Toesie Tuesday
Minchie is very intent on grabbing his new nip cigar that he got for Christmas from Jacquelines Cat House. There were lots of cool toys from them in this box. They even sent gifts for Angel!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Mancat Monday
Minchie deep in thought trying to figure out the best placement of his blankie for maximum comfort and warmth.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Easy Like Sunday
Our job today is to lay in bed keeping it warm for Mom. She has been sick for a few days with a cold/flu. She is also ready to give Minchie away to a good home because he's been a very bad boy while she has been sick. Getting into all kinds of trouble. Anything for attention.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Photo Hunt - Add
Today's theme is add.
We love when Mom likes to add tunnels onto each other to make one really long one.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Frootbat Friday

Thursday, January 3, 2013
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Back Home Again
This is why we had no post yesterday. Mom abandoned us and spent New Year's Eve and Day with our furry cousin, Lady (golden retriever). She is a great comfort dog helping Mom not miss us so much. But we are very happy she is back home with us.
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