Today's flashback is from July 2008, Minchie's third day with us

WOW! First thing mom does when she gets up is give us our breakfast treats. Not bad! Think I'm really gonna like living here!

Laila had already scarfed down her treats and was such a big help taking care of the ones I dropped on the floor.
here. It went well last evening. Some hissing/growling mostly on
Laila's part, but she's just telling him like it is and she's the alpha
kitty here. Once in a while Minchie talks back to her. Decided to leave
the bedroom door open and it went very well. Didn't hear any horrible
cat fights going on. A few times woke up and Minchie was conked out on
the bed with me. Laila generally doesn't come up until around 5:00 am so
when she did there was a little hissing then, but it went well
considering they've only been around each other less than 48 hours. I'm
so happy Minchie is here and he's such a love. It won't be long before
the two of them will be bonded forever. Last night I was in the recliner
watching tv and he was on my lap. It was hysterical! He was sort of
laying on his back with his legs up in the air and looked just like
petrified road kill! I couldn't stop laughing! Where's a camera when you
need one? I'll be sure it's next to me in the future when I sit there.