Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The wool sucker

Once is a while Laila will suck on and knead lambs wool. Not often though, thankfully.

Monday, July 30, 2007

This is why I'm home today and Lilly and Laila are in the bedroom!

Picture 3. The wood was rotten, so they had to remove it and put new 2x4's in. Then they have to remove all the drywall around the frame so that the new door will fit. I'm totally stressed! The place is filthy! Just checked on Lilly and Laila. They seem to be fine. Staying cool, clean and relatively stress-free in the bedroom. That's all that matters!!!

Picture 1

Picture 2
Our complex in the process of a balcony repair project and in order to replace the wood above and below my sliders, the slider must come out. I'm taking advantage of this by having new slider installed. I've been wanting to do this for years as you can see by the first picture. The place is getting filthy from the electric saw removing the rotted wood. YUCK! I'm sure they girls are being traumatized by all the noise, but hopefully they'll be okay. I just heard the guys say the sawing was the worst part of the job. Hopefully it will go a lot quietly now too. EEK! I want to go hide with the girls too!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Where no cat has ever gone

Laila is the first cat ever to go into the cylinder part of the cat tree. Good girl!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Laila's trip to the vet

Dr. Jen giving Laila a good looking over. She weighed in at 3 pounds 11 ounces.

Heart sounds good and strong.

Not too thrilled to be here, but dealing with it.

Such a trouper getting her shot.

Dr. Craig just had to stop in and meet the new little girl.

As soon as we walked in the front door and I announced who was here for her 10:30 visit, all the girls behind the reception desk jumped up with delight knowing a new little kitten was coming in. They all just squealed with delight and couldn't get over how beautiful she was. Of course, momma stood there very proud and Laila seemed to be enjoying all the attention. She got a clean bill of health except for a few little coccidia still showing up in her poopies. She'll be on an antibiotic for that for ten days. It's a liquid and administration of it did not go well for me at home later! Got most of it in her. Will have to bring the treats into the routine for the next administration tomorrow.

Friday, July 27, 2007

What a smart little kitten

It's only taken a few days for Laila to learn what "treat time" is. She runs to the foyer waiting. She even recognises the treat bag! Lilly has her "spot" and this morning Laila got a good smack when she invaded Lilly's territory. Laila is slowly learning where her "spot" is to be.

Tomorrow is her first visit to our vet. They are all anxiously awaiting the new arrival!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The new 2008 Stuff on My Cat calendar is out!

But it isn't out in the stores...yet.

This picture of Lilly graced the December 29/30 page in this year's calendar.

I'm hoping this one will make it in the 2008 calendar! It did produce a lot of comments, so we're keeping our fingers and paws crossed!

Let the shedding begin!

Look what came out during Laila's daily combing! I'm lucky that she likes being combed which I love doing. Thanks to Sue, her foster mom, who started getting her use to it!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Meet Ruthie from Vancouver, WA

This pretty little girl is helping her daddy install a new water pump on her mommy Liz's car. Wish my girls were so helpful!


This is now Laila's absolute favorite toy!

She thinks it's a real birdie. Plays with and "kills" it then picks it up in her mouth and runs away with it just to drop it and start the little game all over again. It was hard to get this picture as she moves quick! It's so funny to watch! Who needs TV!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Christmas in July

Laila hasn't discovered the magic powers of the catnip in this candy cane yet, but until then, enjoys wrestling and chewing on it.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Congratulations to Laila's Namesake!

Laila's namesale, Laila Ali, who was my favorite dancer on "Dancing With the Stars" got married this weekend. Congratulations to her on her wedding and much happiness to her.

The little princess in her castle

Things are going great with Laila and her settling in. She now seeks me out for attention and loves to be held. Lilly is still having issues with this crazy little non-stop fluffball who can't understand why Lilly won't play with her...yet. When I'm in the kitchen at the sink she's usually right there with me at my feet just watching all that's going on.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Laila loves her colorful feather toy

Lilly is a huge fan of feathers too. Still lots of hissing, spitting and growling going on, but that's just the way it has to be until Lilly gets her little sister trained. They were both on the bed this morning...a first. But mom needed to do some verbal interventions and keep an eye out.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Sparkey!

This is our first kitty friend we ever met on the internet. His name is Sparkey and lives in The Netherlands and is eight years old today. We visit his website everyday at http://cybermeow.com/ . We miss and love you Sparkey!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

We have hundreds of cat toys in the toy box, but this is their favorite

The faceoff.

Everyone in their corners.

Laila trying her darndest to get Lilly to play with her. Right after this was taken, Lilly expressed her displeasure with her little bratty sister being in her face.

Big thunder, lightening and rain storm last evening. Laila doesn't seem to be bothered by them. She actually was sitting by the sliding glass door watching all the lightening and rain hitting the glass. But open a plastic bag and she runs. Go figure!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Laila meets DaBird

Laila really thinks the feathers at the end of DaBird is a real bird that she has caught. It's so funny, when she catches it and has it in her mouth, she starts growling for a few seconds then walks proudly away with her prey. Thanks to David at http://www.coolcybercats.com for selling this in his ebay store and watching his videos of his furries catching their prey.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Mornings...Laila's favorite time of the day

I think it's about time to start looking around for a new digital camera to replace this four year old+ camera.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Not too spoiled

Laila has discovered, and loves, tuna! But she'll only get a tasting when mom makes tuna for a sandwich.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

What a turnaround!

Laila loves going to the top. She'll even watch tv from up there.
Finally this little girl has discovered the wonderfulness of a human! If I'm sitting at the computer or at the vanity, she'll come up and I can pet her and pick her up with no problem. She love to be scritched on her head and butt and all the way down her body and up to her furry tail. She even lets me pick her up (and wants me to) and hold her. She still runs from me when I'm up and about, but I can tell it's not so much out of fear now.

Part of the morning routine here is after I get their food tray all situated, Lilly gets her treats. To keep Laila from trying to steal Lilly's, I thought I'd give her just one to see what she would do this morning. As I bent down to place it in front of her, her little paw came up and swatted the treat right out of my hand and devoured it! Too funny!!!
Life is good.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Eric Clapton wrote this song just for me

What'll you do when you get lonely
And nobody's waiting by your side?
You've been running and hiding much too long.
You know it's just your foolish pride.
Layla, you've got me on my knees.
Layla, I'm begging, darling please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind.
I tried to give you consolation
When your old man had let you down.
Like a fool, I fell in love with you,
Turned my whole world upside down.
Let's make the best of the situation
Before I finally go insane.
Please don't say we'll never find a way
And tell me all my love's in vain.

Kind of sums up what I've been going through. Hahaha!

I now truly believe cats can read your mind!

About 20 minutes after I wrote my last post about being so frustrated with Laila, I was having all kind of thoughts running through my head. Mainly giving her back to Buddy. But then I decided I'd try totally ignoring her and see how it goes. Well, she came into the living room where I was on the computer. About two minutes later she was rubbing up against my legs! She's never done that!!! Then she was sitting there mewing at me and doing the "happy tail" so I put my hand down a few times to see what would happen. She sniffed and let me pet her! That's never happended before! Then...she let me pick her up! Was able to get the "boogers" out and had some lovin'/bonding time. Maybe there's hope for us yet!

Another Laila action shot

I'm so frustrated! Since I still can't get Laila to trust me enough to pick her up, I just noticed filming this that she has a "booger" that needs removing. She's just too fast. I know in time (I hope!) she won't be so skittish with me, but I worry about trying to corral her to start her on her kitten shots. I've pretty much not tried to pick her up the past few days (therefore not noticing the "booger". With all the kittens I've had, I've never had this problem.

Knew this would happen

Laila has discovered Lilly's food...and Lilly has discovered Laila's food. Should probably mix them?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Funny cartoon

Roomba update

Forgot to mention he showed up again yesterday morning. He was there to greet me at the side of the building by the parking lot. He's very spooked and not acting like himself. Keeps sniffing all around. I'm sure his mom, who has forgotten him, and the kittens are the ones who chased him away. It's so cute how he feels so comfortable with us now. This morning he was only six inches from me. All I had to do was bend down and I could have scritched his ears. But didn't want to scare him. Don't know if he'll ever be ready for that, even though he'd been our "pet" for the past eight months.

We have all survived Day 6

Laila totally enjoying and trying out everything in our "kitty amusement park."

Soon she won't be able to fit under here.

Lilly can't help but be a bit curious. This poor little 16 year old "senior" is holding up well. Just waiting for the mom instincts to kick in. So far she's "talking" to her a lot.

Laila has adjusted very well to her new environment. My only regret is that she still is skittish toward me. I'm just being patient letting her approach on her own. However, when she is "still" and resting I can then go over to her, pet her, which she is crazy about, and then pick her up and hold and bond with her. Just going to take some time.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Laila cat dancing

Poor Lilly

Laila trying her darndest to get Lilly to play with her.

No rest for poor Lilly. Those antennae ears are always tuned into the little ball of fluff.

A rare still moment. Planning her next attack.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Roomba is missing

Roomba's mom, Eureka, poking her head around the corner keeping an eye on me while her baby is eating.

One of the babies.

These two were playing with each other. So cute!

All of a sudden his mom showed up Monday with three kittens in tow! We see her everyday but never with kittens. We think Roomba got kicked out of his home. We're all so sad. One of the guys at work said Roomba was like our pet. I'm not giving up on him yet. Hopefully the mom and kittens will move on soon and he'll be back with us again.

Picture taking challenge

Laila loves the cat tree. She's also very good about scratching on the sisal part. Good girl!

This cube gets moved around a lot with her jumping in and out of it.

Laila has discovered the comfortableness of the dining room chairs. Is this the making of a "couch kitty"?

It's so hard trying to take pictures of her! She's gone in a flash before the camera can even react! The hissing and growling is getting a little better from her big sister too. Last night let her have the run of the place and all went well. Today going to leave her out while I'm at work. Lilly sleeps all day so I know they'll be fine.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Guess who?

Showing off her cute little tummy.

She loves laying on her back in my lap.

A rare still moment.

Closeup for her fans.

Waving good bye!