Saturday, July 6, 2024

Happy Gotcha Day To Me

Seventeen years ago, mom went and got me and brought me home to live with her and my furry sister Angel Lilly. It has been a wonderful 17 years and now I am the only kitty in the house so I get all of the attention which suits me just fine.


Saturday, April 27, 2024


 Hey everybody, today is my 17th birthday. I think I look pretty darn good for an old lady cat. No special plans just a lot of extra kisses which is just fine with me. 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

 Since my last name is McNamara, I get to be the official “leader of the band” today. Hope you all have a Happy St. Patrick’s Day today! ☘️🇮🇪☘️🇮🇪☘️

Thursday, March 7, 2024


Long time no see everyone! We are doing OK. Last summer Mom had a new hip put in, so she is walking a lot better now. I’ve been doing great and am turning 17 next month. Can you believe it?