Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What is going on?

Is mom "losing" it? This isn't the normal place she puts my treats at treat time. She's really making me work for them. I don't know her reasoning for this. Oh, well, you know humans. Better off not to trying to figure them out. If it amuses her, I'll cooperate.


  1. NO!!! DON"T GO IN THERE!!!! It's a trap!!!!!

  2. Oh Laila! I wish I could be there to help comfort you. This might not be a very fun day for you. Be sure to let us know how it goes, I will be thinking of you.

  3. Cheysuli is right, it is a trap! Mom used that trick on us but we are on to her now. The PTU always means a trip to the v-e-t.

  4. Do not get in there!

  5. ACK! It's a TRAP! Dooooonn't go in dare! Oh no. How cruell - lured wif temptayshuns. Yoo might nefur want treats again.

  6. Not always a trip to the v-e-t, but yeah most of the time! Be a good girl and do what your momma says (I won't hold my breath).


Meow at us!