Thursday, October 4, 2007

Mom's turn to post

Binky Bumpus

Binky Baby

The bottom picture is my Binky Baby who owned me for over 13 years. I love them all the same, but she was my favorite. She crossed the Bridge March 5, 2005.

Our good friend Liz named the precious little baby on top after my Binky Baby. Meet Binky Bumpus. Well, Binky Bumpus is one years old now and a very beautiful black beauty, just like her namesake.


  1. Ah, Binky Baby sure was beautiful. It is very wonderful that there is a little Binky Bumpus now!

  2. Awww, you're going to make Binky blush! Hee, hee!
    Thank you!

  3. Oh the kits! The kits! I LOVE Kits!!!!!

    That's a lovely Binky Bumpus adult too!

  4. That is nice that Binky Bumpus has growed up to be a pretty Binky Baby. What adorable tiny baby kittens!

  5. He was a very beautiful kitty.

  6. Binky Baby was a beautiful cat. I am glad that she has a lovely namesake now.

  7. Binky Baby is very very adorable, that is very very sweet of you.

  8. my mommie had a binky baby too! she went to the bridge in 2001. she was black and floofy like grr, midnight and cocoa


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