You can really get an idea how big she's grown in this picture.
Well, we have a 4:30 appointment with Dr. Mindy today, rescheduled from last Friday's day after the storm outages. Hopefully I'll remember the camera to capture the fun. Hahaha!
Monday when I was leaving for lunch at work, Roomba did his normal escorting me to my car. Well, all of a sudden he was getting a little too close and all of a sudden he started rubbing up against my legs and feet!!! I was in total shock!!! Also, I was terrified praying he wouldn't be all lovey-dovey then decide to give me a love bite. Each time he did it that day I prayed he'd behave. He even did it to my boss! This video was taken yesterday. I'm now totally at ease with him doing this. When I try to walk away, I practically stumble on him as he just doesn't want to stop. Now I'm worried he may try to spray me to mark me even further! Hahaha! In all the years I've been feeding my ferals at work, none have ever begun to respond to me like this darling boy.
Here they are battling on top of the cat tree.
Time out. I really think she thinks this is a little sister she can beat up on. It's so funny to watch! Guess I'll have to find another one for me now.
I've been cat sitting for a friend and neighbor's cat, Angel, for a few days and caught him in "action" while playing. For a big boy, he can still move! Usually he comes upstairs and stays with me and the girls but because of Laila and Lilly still adjusting to each other, thought it best he stay in his own digs this time.
After Roomba is finished with his "roly poly" he jumps up and leads me to the way to the front door where his food and water bowl is. If I'm not right behind him, he stops and, through his body language, tells me to keep walking and FEED ME!!!
Silly Roomba always does his "roly poly" for me when I am walking to the front door of the office.