Monday, August 13, 2007


This is another one of my favorite toys. My snake! I drag it all over the house with me.

I'm in training for any real snakes that may sneak into our house. I'll be able protect momma and Lilly


  1. That is a very loooong snake! I think you are smart to practice with a toy snake before you go after any real live snakes. I am a little bit scairt of snakes.

  2. Good girl Laila! Play with the toys mom buys you! Bailey plays with straws, ribbons and plastic bags.

  3. Hi Laila!
    You're just too cute. You remind me of my baby sister. She's around your same age. We think Sophie was born around April 18th. We actually have two kittens the same age, but Jake doesn't seem anything like you. He's an short-haired orange tabby he comes from a totally different cat mommy. Sophie's a long-haired calico. She gives my momma kisses, but she aviods being held or even petted. She's in love with me. She comes to me for snuggles and even suckes on my furs. I only tolerate that for a minute before I get up and move. My mom's a bit jealous of how much Sophie loves me. I tell her not to worry, with patience Sophie may get used to more touching. Say hi to Lily too please.


Meow at us!