Saturday, December 15, 2007

Meet my new playmates

Help! I'm being ganged up on!

It is so wonderful having all of my house back! I'm totally back to normal now and what's the deal with Mom holding me and almost starting to cry? She claims she's just happy I'm back and that she has her little girl with her again. This morning I got a real good combing. Boy, did that ever feel good!


  1. Ah, Floofyhead playmates! I have lots of those!

  2. Us moms don't like it when our kids aren't happy! Glad you're enjoying the WHOLE house again. I love your new playmates!

  3. We think that you need more toys to play with.
    Check with Santa to place your order.

  4. What great floofy playmates! And I am glad you got your house back!!!

  5. I am not big on combing - I know lots of cats are but it's not for me. FAZ

  6. Ah Laila, we're glad you're back to normal. Enjoy your home, all of it.


Meow at us!