Friday, November 29, 2013

Flashback Friday

Today's flashback is from August 2007 when Laila was a three month old kitten.


No matter where I put this stuffed animal (a Himalayan that looked just like Angel Cerise) Laila can't resist dragging it down on the ground and playing with it. I finally just gave in and am letting her have it. I have thousands of stuffed cats and this is the one she likes best.

Here they are battling on top of the cat tree.
Time out. I really think she thinks this is a little sister she can beat up on. It's so funny to watch! Guess I'll have to find another one for me now.


  1. How cute! You never know what toy they are going to decide is the favorite.

  2. I was just over at Catsparella's blog - concatulations on winning the wrapping paper!

  3. Aww Laila, you are so cute with that stuffed animal.

  4. So adorable! Everybody has to have a favorite toy. I found you on the Black Friday blog hop at the Catblogosphere and I thought I would stop by and say hi!

  5. It's fun to look back at those fleeting kitten days. Laila grew into a beauty!

  6. How cute. We have one of those stuffed kitties too, but Mom Paula has it put up out of our way.


Meow at us!