Sunday, July 19, 2009

Easy like Sunday morning

The past few days have been more like fall than summer. So on this cool, cloudy fall like day, this is where you will be finding me.


  1. Minchie, you got the right idea! We've been cuddling in the covers too...very unlike us for summer...but it's so cool...we gotta stay warm! Happy Sunday!

  2. Looks like a great spot to snuggle!!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  3. Our weather is more like autumn too. Even the strong winds are blowing lots of the leaves off the trees.
    We like your cushion.

  4. You'll be finding us in much of a similar spot. Ebby day we ask our momma to open da sun porch for us and ebby say she says dat it is way too cold. What happened ta summer?

  5. Such an elegant pose, you are such a handsome cat.

  6. Minchie, we checked back to see what we missed and we couldn't believe we missed your Birthday!!!! Happy 6th Birthday cousin! ...So sorry, that was one of OBI's bad days....he is so much better Auntie Peggy, aren't those Blingees fun to make, we loved Minchie's Birthday Blingee!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz & Mommy(Auntie Holly)kiss, kiss, huggs Minchie

  7. I like your pillow! Stay warm and cozy.

  8. Minchie, do you get the feeling that you are being watched?!?

  9. That is a very good idea. I really like your pillow!

  10. Hey! You've got someone looking over your shoulder, too. You can come down to SC - it's been in the 90s here all week. Mom got sunburned today.

  11. Minche my handsome loving mancat dat looks likes a purrfect place for us to cuddles, plenty of rooms for me!

    I will be rights over!


    your loving ladycat, Baby Patches

  12. Nothing better than a nap on a cool day!


Meow at us!