Saturday, January 3, 2009

Rubba dub dub, two in the tub

We have taken over the bathtub as our new playground.

Mom, when are you going to have our new playground reglazed? We want it real slippery slidey for playing hockey.


  1. We also like the tub, but we bring our red mousie in to play with because we do not have any pipe cleaners.

  2. We're gonna hafta try out the tub! That's one place we haven't used yet....

  3. We like the tub too. We keep pingpong balls in ours.

  4. Well, Obi goes poop de doo poop in the tub, and Annie goes pee de dee pee in the tub. We haven't tried "playing" in the tub!

    Luf, Us

  5. What a great idea. I also like to use the tub as a litter tray too if I get locked in by mistake but don't tell the beans. FAZ

  6. Bathtubs are fun!!! We can make lots of noise in the tub!!

  7. I look into our tub, but I do not get in it. I like to go after the little droplets of water that slide down the inside of the sliding doors to the shower when my people are inside.

    By the way, we are all impressed with your shower curtain!

    Abby Normal

  8. We love the tub too! Siena always meows to have the faucet running, then she'll stand for minutes with her paws in the shallow water, drinking. Me, Chilli, I like the tub to chase my own tail. I'm very noisy in there! Hockey sure sounds like a cool game!
    Purrs, Chilli

  9. The tub is perfect for games of hockey!

  10. Hey, that looks like fun!

    We have to do with the shower, but that's nice too - especially when it's warm, wet and steaming.

    And happy New Year!

    Cliff & Olivia

  11. I like the tub as long as there isn't any water in it.

  12. Pee Ess! I'll take that bag of Temptations anytime! Hee! Hee!

  13. wooos! you two be careful it has waterz!! me know cuz mai mom always put water in it!!

  14. We've been hanging out in the tub a lot lately too. When Mommy walks into the bathroom and sees us just sitting in there staring back at her, she wonders what we've been up to.


Meow at us!