Sunday, January 18, 2009

Easy like Sunday morning

Please go away with that flashy box and let us sleep!


  1. Dearest Laila and Minchie,
    You look so cozy and comfy in your beds! You must stay there all day long and have your mommy wait on you paw and foots. That's what we is doin'!

    We hope you have a wonnerful day of cozy naps and relaxation!

    Very truly yours,
    The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

  2. It's not fair when the human comes along with the flashy box and you are trying to nap.
    Did you remember where you saw the photo for Find Chey? Mum saw it in the last week too and is tearing her hair out trying to remember where she saw it. She can't think why she would have been looking at a photo of Crabby Joe's.

  3. i know both of you needs a bed on top of beds!!! that's the way we do it!!

  4. Oh tell 'em! Now we're gonna go away too so you can get your sleep!

  5. Awwww, you two look so cute there!

  6. Oh no, where's the mink? Napping would be so much better on mink. Demand the mink!

  7. Boy do you two look like you are taking it easy today!!! Enjoy your easy Sunday!

  8. You two look so cosy together! Laila, I love your roll bed. Looks very snuggly!!!

    Purrs Banshee

  9. Oh I hope you were not disturbed by that flashy thing. You all look so comfy.

  10. Sometimes the beans just don't get it. And they wonder why we wake them up in the middle of the night.


Meow at us!