Friday, March 30, 2012

Friends Friday

Our friends this Friday are our cousins, Henry, on the left, and Sam, on the right.  If you remember, Sam was the little kitten who only has three legs. A few months after he was adopted, Mom's niece went back and adopted his littermate, Henry.  Kudos to niece Kelly for opening up her home to these handsome black mancats!


  1. We don't remember meeting Sam before - he is a sweet looking little fellow and we're sure he can play and have fun with only 3 legs. We are glad his playmate was adopted to be with him.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. So nice his playmate was adopted with him,now hes happy and can have his special friend with him.Hugs to them both!

  3. How cute are they ...

    My first cat was an all black Siamese who talked like crazy. I've had three more black cats since. Love them ...

  4. MEOW
    How great it is that Sam and Henry have each other.
    Purrs, Kiddy

  5. We didn't remember them, but they are both so handsome and we are so happy to know they are together=that is awesome!...Happy weekend sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  6. Your cousins are so handsome! And we are so glad that they do have each other!

  7. that touched me so much that your niece would adopt them both together. Henry and Sam are sure lucky kitties and handsome ones to boot!

  8. They are very handsome mancats. We are so proud of your mom's niece.

    Truffle and Brulee


Meow at us!