Friday, February 10, 2012

Friends Friday - Fafnir (RIP)

Mom got an email from one of our long time internet friends that goes back to 1999 that our buddy, Fafnir, ran off to the bridge last month.  His mom is just heartbroken and so are we.  This handsome Norwegian Forest Cat lived in The Netherlands. 

Faffie in all is floofy glory.

Faffie only spoke Dutch, so his mom had to translate for us.

This is Snuitje, Fafnir's sister, who ran off to the bridge 5 months earlier.  We know their mom is so lonely without them.  Rest in peace, sweet ones.  You will always be loved but never forgotten.


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your Dutch kitty friends. As much as the loss is hard for you, I'm sure their Mom is just devastated.

    I hope her heart can heal so that she can welcome some new joy into her life.

  2. We are so sorry to hear one of your friends has gone to Rainbow Bridge.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Oh, how heartbreaking to lose two kitties in a short time period. They were gorgeous. Run free, lovelies.

  4. Heartbreak is the same in any language. We send healing purrs to your friends.

  5. Oh such sad news for such pretty kitties.Sending some prayers to her that she finds another little furry friend.

  6. Please let his mom know we are sending purrs....

  7. Oh that is so sad. Our purrs to your friend's mom-

  8. This is very sad. I remember that you once told me about Fafnir, when I only started blogging. We send many, many purrs to their mom!

  9. Oh no, that is so sad. We send lots of purrs and hugs to the Mom.

  10. That gives us a case of the sads. Two furbabies just months apart. Purrs fur them. xoxo

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Sorry about the post before :-)
    Thank you Peggy for this sweet page you made to remember my two sweethearts Faffie and Snuitje! And thank you all for the loving words (and purrs of course), it really comforts me to know that even 'on the other side of the ocean' people are thinking of me :-)
    Faffie reached the respectful age of 18 years old and Snuitje 20, so I know I really was lucky to have them with me for so long, but that doesn't make it any easier to be without them now, it seems that since Snuitje was gone the 'bond' I had with Faffie got even closer...

  13. We are so sorry your friends ran off to the Bridge and hope they send other furries for their Mommy to love...Sending big hugs...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  14. We are sorry that your Dutch friends were called to The Bridge. We send comforting purrs to their family.

  15. We know your friend is suffering for the loss of those two beautiful kitties our hearts go out to them.


  16. What a handsome fellow! We are so sorry for your friend's loss. We send comforting purrs.

  17. Of course I meant respectable age instead of respectful :-) And sorry about any other mistakes in my English

  18. Katja, not to worry! I've always been so impressed with your English! Remember when Alex of Blackiecam came to visit me? I had him teach me how to pronouce your and Snuitje's names.

  19. We are sorry to hear about the loss of your Dutch kitty furriends.

    Truffle and Brulee


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