Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Sweetest Day!

Sweetest Day

Minchie here wishing his beautiful Turkish Princess, Baby Patches, a Happy Sweetest Day!

You are the love of my life sweet one!


  1. I'm sure Baby Patches loves her wishes and her beau, Minchie!

  2. Aw, now that IS sweet!! Happy Sweetest Day!

  3. Baby Patches must be so happy to get your wishes, Minchie!

    Happy Sweetest Day to you all! :-)

  4. Looks like your a lady's man Minchie!

  5. AWWW!! Minchie you are such a sweetie. Rumblemum would give you a big smoochie if she could!

  6. My sweet sweet handsome turkish prince!! How happy I is to see dis lovely post from you all for me! Momma found out after she received something in da mail from you. I will has momma gets pictures up on my bloggie soon.

    I finks about you everyday, luvs you my sweet mancat!


    Your Turkish Princess


Meow at us!