Monday, November 24, 2008

Mancat Monday

My prizes came this week for winning Best in Show and Best Homemade Costoom Award in the 3rd Annual Cat Bloggers & Catsters Halloween Costoom Contest.

This package came from Angus Mohr who sponsored the Best Homemade Costoom Award.

These are all the cool prizes! Lots of yummy Temptations, salmon snacks, 2009 Cute Overload calendar and a little bag for Mom.

Angus' Mom made these beautiful swarovski Christmas earrings. They are so sparkly she can't wait to start wearing them.

And this is the package from Skeezix for the Best in Show.

My very own pink Skeezix hat! It's kind of big for me, so I'm gonna let Mom wear it. And a Best Friends sponsorship. This is the kitty we picked.

Don't laugh!

Thank you again to all who voted and to Skeezix and Angus for the prizes


  1. Hooray! You got some really neato-prizes, but we think the Skeezix hat is the coolest!

  2. Wow! Great prizes you have! Lots of fun ahead!!

  3. Those are great purrizes, and your lucky mum, those are lovely ear rings.

  4. Concatulations on winning the contest. You got some really cool prizes!

  5. Yay! I'm so glad you liked them and my mom was so excited to include the earrings! Wait'll you see what I got! I'll show you tomorrow, MInchie!

  6. What cool prizes. I love my Skeezy hat too!

  7. You look very cool in that hat Minchie! Congrats and eat up the yummies!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

  8. Pawsome prizes! Concats on your win!
    ~The Creek Cats~

  9. Congratulations! Those are some most excellent prizes!

  10. Concats Minchie, what grrrreat prizes! What fun!
    You know what? I did laugh at the last picture, hihihi.
    Purrs, Siena

  11. Cool prizes! That hat looks great on you, Minchie.

  12. Wow! Those are some great prizes! They'll keep you busy for awhile!

  13. Minchie, you look great in your hat!

    Maybe poor Laila was scared by something green. Well, we all have our quirks, don't we?


  14. Those prizes are great. Congratulations!


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