Sunday, May 25, 2008

Easy like Sunday morning

Lilly resting up before her next sub-q fluid session. Last night she started hoarkin' while the needle was in her furs and it fell out and was a squirtin' the fluids all over. Mom turned it off, wiped Lilly down and put another needle in her furs. What a trouper Lilly is! This doesn't happen very often so not to worry.


  1. Lilly, we are glad that you are normally good when you are given fluids. Purrs to you!

  2. Sometimes my brofur Napoleon just walks right out of his IV needle, too.

    That is a very good picture of you relaxing.
    ~ KittyBoy

  3. You look so very comfy, have a good nap (and P.S. ... your huggy photo below is priceless!)

  4. You are such a good kitty!

  5. Lilly, you fit very well with the sofa fabric! :-) {{{HUGS}}}

  6. That happens sometimes when my Mommie gives fluids at the shelter, too. Especially with the kittens, they do not sit still for anything! Sometimes it's a worse sign when the kitty is too sick to even want to move when they are getting their fluids.

  7. Wow! Hope Lily feels better.


Meow at us!