Monday, May 14, 2018

Mancat Monday

Meet Howard, Angel's grampa and he's my adopted grampa and Mom considers him her adopted daddy.  She takes him out every week to go to the movies and run errands and has for almost eight years now.  He has been wanting to come over and visit with me so last Friday was the day!  I hadn't seen him in awhile so we had a lot to get caught up on.


  1. Nice to have a big family so then you get more attention!

  2. I love that you two had a mancat Monday together and got all caught up. I wish I had a gramma!

  3. kewl iz thiz !! :) waves two ewe howard itz veree nice ta meet ewe....☺☺♥♥

  4. Minchie, it seems that you and your mom have a very special relationship with Howard. We're glad he could come and visit you and catch up!

  5. That was very nice that you and Howard got to visit together.

  6. That is nice that your mum adopted a human too for a dinner and movie pal.


Meow at us!