Monday, March 13, 2017

Mancat Monday

 Being that it is National Napping Day, how comfy is this?  One of my comfy fleece beds on top of my comfy couch.  Oh, and it is snowing!  We have not seen measurable snowfall (only 7/10ths of an inch!) since December 18th!  So far it looks like three inches of the white stuff.

And here I am sitting on my favorite kind of paper.  It's from!  We won a package of our favorite treats from a giveaway over at Three Chatty Cats. Thanks guys!


  1. Minchie...I, Madison D Cat aka Laila's LLS, has one of those and GUESS what I ignore it....I'd rather be on a bed preferably in a spot where the humans want to be.
    I hear you are in for a monster snow storm..everybuddy stay warm and safe
    Hugs madi your bfff

  2. We didn't know it was National Napping Day Minchie - what a wonderful way to spend the day.

  3. Oh Minchie, that looks like a great napping spot. We have some of those beds too.Very comfy.

  4. We've got a whole lot more snow than you! Lucky you to win treats!

  5. Concatulations on winning those treats!

  6. Oh, the crinkly paper! We're not sure which we'd rather have today - Crinkly paper or more naps!

  7. That paper looks fun! Bear loves to hide in it, run through it, rip it, and just make lots of noise with it. He thinks it's better than any other gift ;)

  8. eye noe this commint haz nothin ta due with this post
    but eye wanted ta say thanx 777 bazillion timez for
    yur kindnezz two me & me familee last week
    sorree for de copee N paste type for mat…….lovez all wayz
    boomer ♥

  9. Enjoy your comfy nap. Concats on winning the treats.

  10. Keep cozy warm and enjoy those treats Minchie!

  11. Minchie, a bed on top of the couch is just perfect. The kitties here have only tried the Greenies dental treats in catnip flavor and they love them. Enjoy!

  12. Three inches, what wimpy totals, mum measured 13! We didn't get much snow in January or February either. March is making up for that in one day.

  13. You're having the purrfect day, Minchie...well, 'cept for that snow.

  14. You do look comfy. Congrats on winning those yummy treats. We are going to get snow today- possibly 2 feet, hopefully less.

  15. That's our favorite kind of paper, too! Glad you got the treats!

  16. We hope your white stuff melts quickly. Ours, well, I don't think it will.

    Congratulations on winning the treats, with bonus paper!

    Thanks for stopping by; take care. :-)


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