Monday, January 30, 2017

Mancat Monday

This is what happens when Mom doesn't hang her coat up right away.


  1. We think that looks like the coziest of cozy places to snooze, Minchie! It's even better when the human has just worn the coat and warmed it up for you. Happy snoozing!

  2. LOL, Tucker used to do that all of the time too!

  3. Now it's a red, brown and white coat. Big improvement! I like your form, Minchie. Your tail is keeping your nose warm. :)

  4. Ha! Score for you, tough cookies for your mom. :-)

    Thanks for stopping by! It sounds like you're just as gloomy as we are, weather-wise. We have one glorious clear day with freezing temps, but yes, back to snow tomorrow. How many days till Spring?

  5. Ah, so you have that five-second rule in your house too? Anything not put away or hung up after five seconds is free game. Good for you!

  6. Mum hangs her jacket up, even if it just on the back of the chair.

  7. So now she gets to wear your furs! :)

  8. Looks like a great place for a nap to us!

  9. Oh we do the same thing to our Mom. Have to be quick about getting the coat hung up.

  10. Here too! How about coming over you two and help keep one another warm?


Meow at us!