Monday, March 28, 2016

Mancat Monday

 Mom makes the best comfy nappy places for us in our little condo.  She changes them around at times so we don't get bored with them.

Meet Regis.  He is our newest woofie cousin.  He's a three month old darling little pug and is living in Guatemala with Mom's nephew and wife while they are there doing missionary work for the year.  He will be coming back with them and will be bilingual too! Mom got to Skype with him yesterday.  MOL

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Womancat Wednesday

Mom brought these palms home from church on Sunday and Laila is just now noticing them.  At least she isn't afraid of them like she usually is with any green plant/Christmas tree that is brought inside.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tooth Fairy Came!

 OMC!  Look what came in the mail yesterday!

 Minchie loves that cute little pink fishie.

Minchie guarding his loot from Laila.

Thank you, Mom Ellen, from for sending some of her world famous hand crocheted cat toys!  These are the best!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Mancat Monday

Well, at least I had a week off recouping from my tooth extraction and cleaning not having to put up with Mom's picture taking.
What a mancat won't do for bribe treats!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Kiss Me, I'm Irish!

If you're lucky enough to be're lucky enough!



Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Tooth For the Tooth Fairy

Minchie is resting after his dental yesterday.  He did very well and one molar was extracted (he's on pain meds for that) besides his cleaning and fluoride treatment.  They didn't put him under until 3:00 pm so when Mom picked him up at 5:30 he was still very loopy.  She kept him in the bedroom all night.  Needless to say, she didn't get much sleep because he was all over her. 

Mom is stressing over the cost of all of this.  Between the blood work, x-ray, ultrasound to be sure no enlarged heart (that showed up on x-ray), cleaning and extraction and lots of miscellaneous charges, his bill came to $1,050.00!  But it was worth every penny for her little mancat.  Plus her car was in the shop twice for major repairs.  When it rains it pours! 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Mancat Monday

Don't you just love what Mom did with this box?  Two blankies stuffed in there and boy, talk about comfy!
I'm going to the stabby place tomorrow morning for a toofie cleaning.  Please keep your paws crossed for me that all goes well.  Mom is very nervous as I have never been put under since she's had me.  Also hoping my anemia is under control with being on my liquid vitamins so that they can do the cleaning.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Mom's Printer Helper

Okay, Mom, I'm ready to help you put a new ink cartridge in the printer.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tuxie Tummy Tuesday

Laila welcomes snorgles and brushings of her floofy tummy.  Take a number please.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Mancat Monday at the Movies

Who can resist these pathetic little meows?

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Easy Sunday

Laila has decided this shelf in the closet is prime picking for her Easy Sunday today.    Hope you all enjoy yours!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Popular Queue

 Minchie patiently waiting for his turn at the sink.

Mom, can you do something about this sink hog of a sister I have?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuxie Tuesday

 Laila enjoying a nice morning sun puddle.

 Nice Tuesday toesie and tail shot.

Okay, Mom, enough with the flashy box!