Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Dona Nobis Pacem

Cats love peace and quiet.
We wish the world would practice it.


Our good friend Marg has 23 cats and it is just really hard to get them all to the vet when they are sick and need some attention. She has about 8 cats right now that have colds. You can click HERE to donate. Please help out if you can or you can also donate via the Paypal button on her blog sidebar.


  1. That is such a good thought about Peace and we should all let the cats give us such a good sample of Peace.. Have a great day.

  2. Yes, why can't humans learn from us kitties?

    Well, maybe not learn from Binga - she's not very peaceful!

  3. Beautiful
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping & Mr Jinx

  4. We sure hope peace catches on...and soon!

  5. Love your Peace Globe! We join you today in blogging and purring for peace.

  6. Just another purring kitteh for peace! Pawsome peace globe.

  7. That is a lovely globe. I am purring for peace too.

  8. and that is why we cats outta be runnin' the world; peace be with you and all of the earth

  9. What a perfect sentiment, friends! Peace and quiet. Cats are so smart.

  10. Sending our wishes for love and peace to you both and your family. Mom added some green papers to the You Caring account for Marg and all the animals. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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