Monday, March 23, 2015

Mancat Monday

Minchie's latest idea of a fun time is to sit on and bat around little piles of papers of Mom's.  Not sure how long this pile will be around.  Probably until he loses interest.


  1. Sounds like a fun hobby! Carmine likes to sit on books and papers, but he doesn't bat them around.

  2. We have two questions: How did the papers get on the floor? Astrid would have shoved those to the floor off the counter so she could shred them. Do you shred or just scatter? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. Hey, papers are meant to be sat upon, at least that should always be the case!

  4. Oh that is a fun game Minchie. We love to play at that. Just push everything around the house. You all have a great day.

  5. Do you also nom on those papers lying around? We don't recommend that too much (looking at you, Pia) because sometimes those are important papers. At least our mom says so when she's trying to tape together chewed up bills and such....

  6. I've never been big on paper sitting - my human says that is weird for a kitty not to be!

  7. dood...if thoze bee tax paperz....ewe mite bee in trubull......then again...may bee knot !! ♥♥

  8. Papers were made for cat perching!

  9. Papers are meant to be sat on. I like to scat them all over the floor.

  10. papers are supposed to be whapped around

  11. Minchie, we would do the same thing. :)

  12. You are the prettiest paper weight I have ever seen Minchie :)

  13. That is the True Purpose of Papers!


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