Friday, November 2, 2012

We're Being Abandoned

Well, it's that time of year again.  Mom is abandoning us this weekend for her annual fall scrapbooking retreat. She leaves this morning and won't be back until Sunday night. But Angel's mom will be taking care of so we don't starve or die from neglect.

This is the gorgeous house she stays in all weekend.

We hope everyone has a great weekend and we'll be back blogging on Monday!


  1. What?? How can she leave you? We're about to go through the same thing, the HORRIBLE Rumblemum is leaving us too!

    We need to collaborate on a way to keep these humans HOME with US!

  2. Wow, that looks like an amazing place to stay. We hope she has a wonderful time :)xx

  3. I remember that from last year! Too bad you kitties can't come along - I bet you could find ALL sorts of fun!

  4. AGAIN??!? Didn't she just go?? mean it's been a whole year already?? Jeez, time flies!

    We hope she has fun!

  5. Okay, our human is sitting here saying, "Oh, no it's not." Seriously. Your mom just went on her annual retreat. That's how it feels, anyway! Did she go in the spring too? Because if not, it's just scary how quickly an entire year has zoomed by!

  6. We are always jealous that your mom gets an entire weekend of crafting in a super cool place!

  7. We think you should go along to make sure your Mom behaves herself!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. Oh noes! How can your momma abandon you guys? I would never lets my momma leaves EVER... MOL. Well I know I would try with all my purrrr-power to makes her stay. Glad Angel's mom will be feeding you.

    All my luvs my handsome turkish prince!!

  9. That's a nice house, there must be plenty of fun things to do outside!
    Are you having a trashing party at your house?

  10. WHAT!?! She did this last year! Once should be enough.

  11. We know how much your mom enjoys this weekend and she'll be back before you know it. We know you'll miss her.

  12. Oh, but hey, that scrapbooking stuff the Moms have is just GREAT to play with. Yerrrr, so yup, house trashing party??? hmmmmm? :-)


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