Monday, December 5, 2011

Mancat Monday Guest

 Angel is not a happy camper.

 No wonder they call this a Prisoner Transport Unit!

Last Saturday Mom took Angel and his mom (who is a person with a disability) to the vet as his asthma was acting up a bit.  Dr. Mindy took a picture of his lungs and they were filled with fluid so he got stabbed with a steroid that works real fast in eliminating the fluid.  Mom will take him back tomorrow (while his mom works) for another stabbing of steroids that is longer acting.  We are keeping our paws crossed this helps, as it has in the past.


  1. Sending PURRS for Angel. Thank goodness for stabby injections when they are needed. xxxxxxxxxx

  2. We hope Angel's lungs are getting better.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Oh my, he does look unhappy. We hope he's feeling better soon. Our Tucker has asthma and it scares us sometimes.

  4. Purrs to Angel! We hope he gets better again.

  5. Big purrs for Angel! Get well soon, handsome guy.

  6. Oh no, we are swnding lots of purrs to swwet Angel and we sure hope all is well soon.

  7. Awwwww Angel, you little face says it all. Just think how much better you will feel after those special magic injections. Mummy says she knows how you must be feeling and whishes you better very quickly. At least any extra steriod weight gain you can blame on extra fluff :)xx

  8. Poor Angel - I am sending purrs to help the shots take care of his asthma.

  9. Purrs from us to Angel, we hope he's better very soon.

  10. Angel
    We sure hope you are feeling better and we are sure glad you are helping your friend with Angel.

  11. We are sending purrs that the injections to make Angel feel better.

  12. Purring for Angel that the shot works.

    Truffle and Brulee

  13. We're purring for Angel and hope the medicine helps him!

  14. We hope that Angel will be ok. We will be thinking, purring and praying.

  15. Big purrs fur Angel. How sweet of your hooman to help him and his Mom out! Kudos to her.

  16. Purring for Angel! Is he doing any better!


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