Monday, February 28, 2011

Mancat Monday

King Minchie here. We all stayed up to watch the Oscars last night and were very pleased with how well "The King's Speech" did. Long live us Kings!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Easy Like Sunday Morning

I'm keeping the couch warm for Mom today for later when we watch the Red Carpet and Oscars

Saturday, February 26, 2011

On patrol

I'm guarding Mom's lap so Minchie doesn't jump up and ruin my one-on-one time with Mom.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friends Friday

This is Sammy, one of the kitties Mom is taking care of for 20 days while their daddy is out of the country on business. Normally she's never out when Mom cat sits, but this time she's been out and about in the living room each time Mom goes there. What a shock! She's even let Mom pet her a few times. JoJo gets very jealous and gets in her face and she runs off. JoJo loves to hog Mom the whole time she's there.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Patiently waiting

A big thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes for our mom yesterday! She went to a restaurant last night that is known for cooking up and serving very tasty fishies. And she brought home some leftover Atlantic Salmon and she promises we will get some bites of it! We can't wait! So we are just gonna hang on the bed until our salmon supper is served to us.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tail Tuesday

Can you believe this is Laila? She was almost an all grey cat.
Mom has never felt kitty fur as soft and silky as hers.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mancat Monday

Minchie's favorite DVD. Mom even pulls up her chair for him so he can be comfy watching.

Remember JoJo and Sammy? Well, their Daddy is off to India for business for the next 20 days so Mom will be going down to take care of them twice a day. We are happy to share her with them.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Easy Like Sunday Morning

This woofie, Abby (she's a Keeshond), is part of the reason Mom didn't help us blog yesterday. She went scrapbooking at Abby's house Friday and spent the night. She had stinky woofie smells all over her when she came home. Abby followed Mom all over and Mom wanted to bring her home with her she's so cute. Thank cod they don't allow woofies in our building!

It's Laila's turn in the kitty nest today.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Meet Cousin Bailey

This is cousin Bailey, the sister of Bonnie(RIP) that is the kitty of Mom's niece.

This beautiful silver tabby is 13 years old, but acts and looks more like she is 3.

Another kitty where Mom was present when they got adopted by a member of her family. When Bailey was a kitten, she stole a piece of ham right out of Mom's mouth and growled at her when she tried to get it back. So far Bailey is doing okay with Bonnie gone, but there is talk she may get a new sister in May.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday

On Valentine's Day I got this beautiful package from my loving mancat, Loki. OMC! I can smells his wonderful smells on it!
He sent a darling card and this specially made for me purple neck scarf with my name embroidered on it.

How romantical!

Because my furs are so slippery and shiny, this is the only way I can wear my scarf. Doesn't the purple look beautiful next to my grey furs?

Mom taped my card next to my Costco box so I can see it and be near it every day.
Thank you again, my sweetheart, Loki, for thinking of me on our special day.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tummy and Toesies Tuesday

Here I am showing off my tummy floof with my orange turkey feather
that Derby and Ducky sent me for Christmas.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Minchie wishing his turkish princess, Baby Patches, a Happy Valentine's Day and hopes she will be his.

Laila wishing her handsome Mancat, Loki, a Happy Valentine's Day and hopes he will be hers.

We are wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day. myspace graphic comments

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Easy Like Sunday Morning

My favorite way to spend an Easy Sunday is with Mom on the recliner with our blankie.
Hope everyone has a great Easy Sunday!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

We recently received the Stylish blogger Award from our friend Caro, a beautiful seal Burmese who lives in New Zealand. We hope you will visit her blog as life is so interesting "down under". We really look forward to reading her blog when she has new posts.

The award rules say we have to tell you 7 things about us.
  1. We both had the same foster mom and were adopted exactly one year apart.
  2. Laila's name at our foster home was Gypsy.
  3. Minchie prefers to eat plastic plants vs. real ones.
  4. Laila loves to be combed. The harder the better.
  5. Minchie likes to eat our cat tree. Srsly!
  6. Whenever Mom walks into the bedroom, Laila tears out of there like her tail is on fire.
  7. Minchie loves company. Laila runs for under the couch or under the bed.
Many thanks to Caro for this great award. If any of you have not received the award yet, and I know a lot of you already have, please take it and tell us 7 things about you.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Flashback

This Friday Flashback goes back to August 1, 2007

BACON! BACON! BACON! Gimme bacon!
Oooh! Now what is this wonderful smelling thing she's showing me.

Yummy, yummy, yummy! Just a few licks is all I got.

Mom is going to our vet today to pick up Cousin Bonnie's ashes for her niece. :(

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Laila is thankful Minchie is not a fan of Costco boxes like she is.
She is very protective of them.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

Laila's tummy would blend in purrfectly with the snow outside if she was outside. But those days are over for her. She has NO problem with that!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mancat Monday

These boots are made for walkin'.
Mom has been wearing these a lot this week!
I think they need a day to air out.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

RIP Cousin Bonnie

Bonnie was quite the feisty little "Devil Cat from Hell".

Bonnie being held by Mom's human niece.

Bonnie loved Christmas. She loved playing in all the wrapping and loved the bows.

Yesterday Mom took her niece and furry niece, Bonnie, to our vet on an emergency visit. Bonnie was 16 1/2 years old and was going downhill very quickly. Her kidneys were shutting down so Mom helped her human niece make the decision that it was time for Bonnie to cross the Bridge. Mom was with them when they adopted her and now it was appropriate she be with them when it was time to say good bye. Good bye, beautiful girl. You will be missed.

Photo Hunters - Fashion

Today's Photo Hunters theme is fashion.

Geesh, wish Mom would have cleaned out the sleepy bugs from my eyes before she took this closeup.

Normally Mom can't do stuff to me like this, but when I'm in my Costco box, I'll let her do anything. Plus, I know how cute I look.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Formerly Feral Friday

Yesterday Mom ventured out in the snow to get some fresh air because she was sick with that cabin fever. The grocery store had a fresh crop of wheat grass, so she thought I needed a treat for my cabin fever too.

This is a very primo crop if I do say so.

nom...nom...nom...thanks Mom!...nom...nom...nom

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday

A big thank you to all of our friends who wished us warm thoughts as we dealt with and dug out of our blizzard. Well, we didn't actually do any digging, the snow plows and shovellers did. That's a big advantage to living in our condo. Other people get to do all that for us. We also apologise for not visiting anyone yesterday, but we were glued to the tv watching all the local stations. Oh, and a few naps thrown in for good measure too. Now we're in a deep freeze.

This picture is from JoJo and Sammy who live on the first floor on the other side of our building. Poor Sammy can't see out because of the monster drifts out there. Sorry the picture is so small.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard of 2011

Our balcony. Screen door won't open. Trapped!

We face east so it isn't as bad as the other side of the building.

We saw and heard snowthunder! Pawsome!

Outdoor pool on other side of fence. These drifts are 4+ feet.

The brick part of the building on the left (faces west) is Angel's bedroom. He and his mom are doing okay.

We think we have 22 inches so far.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Two on Tuesday

We are on blizzard watch today.
It's suppose to start around 3:00 PM.
We hope Mom is home before it hits.
We don't want to miss our afternoon stinky goodness.