Where Grampa and Gramma are both buried.
Heart sounds good and strong.
As soon as we walked in the front door and I announced who was here for her 10:30 visit, all the girls behind the reception desk jumped up with delight knowing a new little kitten was coming in. They all just squealed with delight and couldn't get over how beautiful she was. Of course, momma stood there very proud and Laila seemed to be enjoying all the attention. She got a clean bill of health except for a few little coccidia still showing up in her poopies. She'll be on an antibiotic for that for ten days. It's a liquid and administration of it did not go well for me at home later! Got most of it in her. Will have to bring the treats into the routine for the next administration tomorrow.
Here Dad is petting me while I'm sniffing out this very cool wand toy.
Oh boy! There are even more toys and goodies in the bottom of the bag!
Here Dad is feeding me the organic treats he brought.